déc 3 2015
Vends châssis Tony Kart + Moteur Rotax Max Evo
Châssis Tony Kart Racer EVK 2014, utilisé 5 courses, plaquettes de frein neuves, pneus Mojo F2 neufs
Moteur Rotax Max EVO 2015, neuf à roder, garantie 12 mois à partir de la date de vente, allumage Dell’Orto et valve électronique évolution, carburateur Dell’Orto XS
Moteur Rotax Max EVO 2015, neuf à roder, garantie 12 mois à partir de la date de vente, allumage Dell’Orto et valve électronique évolution, carburateur Dell’Orto XS
Prix : 4190€ TTC
Contact : Kart Runner by olivier Bruneau
tél : 06 07 34 76 17
mail :Â BO.consulting@hotmail.fr
juin 27, 2016 @ 14:59:05
Good day,I view your(car seat)and its details you posted for sale,i believe all
your description on it so i am indeed interested in buying
it as soon as possible,kindly get back to me with the least
Price, Present Condition,recent photos and the Reason
why you want to sell it.. We have a private shipper that will take care of the shipping and inspection on how well is it, But my method of
payment is only by bank cheque/ bank draft Drawn from
EURO bank FOR THE PAYMENT and for you not to think otherwise
i will wait till you cash from bank before proceeding,
kindly get back to me asap if you agree by this term.
Regards from Cawley.cawley_evo55@yahoo.com